Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Labor Day Weekend in Colorado

Mainstreet Ouray Colorado
We spent Labor Day Weekend in Ouray Colorado. It is just a spectacular place to visit with so much outdoor stuff to do. We did not do any hiking but instead spent time with our daughters. On Sunday we rented a 4 wheeler and went over 4 passes and back. First Corkscrew Pass, Hurricane Pass, California Pass and down to Silverton for lunch and then back. It was an awesome day with stops at abandoned mines to read the signs. We also stopped at Animas Forks which was once a very hopping mining town. I will have to say that the people that mined up in the high country of Colorado must have been a very hearty stock.

Placer Colorado

Red Mountain Colorado
Now back home it is back to the stair stepper. I am hoping to get some Fall hiking in on Sandia Crest.