Saturday, May 18, 2019

California Poppies in April

Living in the Mojave Desert for four months was not all bad. I have always wanted to see the poppy fields in full bloom and we were they when they bloomed and this year was an especially good year for them due to the extra moisture. We went to the Antelope Valley Poppy Preserve and were not disappointed.

There were people everywhere in the fields. You could see those who were taking photos of each other to put on social media and some just looking at the flowers.

The park was so full and there was no parking so we opted for this area, it was also full of people so we figured two more would not matter as the sign did not seem to be doing any good.

The profusion of the color was amazing, the entire hillsides were bright orange.

You could see the orange color in the hills from miles away. Quite a beautiful sight!

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